Community activities and volunteering help teens build skills, civil responsibilities and a sense of belonging.
From games to art projects to good deeds, here is a list of activities OSC organises relentlessly to foster social connection and promote comaraderie among the likeminded odia people in our community.


Cultural activities

Cultural activities encompass a vibrant tapestry of traditions, expressions, and experiences that weave the fabric of society. From captivating performances in theater, dance, and music to immersive exhibitions showcasing art, heritage, and history, these activities form the heart and soul of odisha's identity. They serve as bridges between generations, fostering a profound sense of belonging and understanding. Cultural activities not only preserve cherished customs but also invite exploration, encouraging individuals to embrace diversity and celebrate the richness of human expression. Whether in the form of festivals that pulsate with energy or educational initiatives that illuminate the past, these activities are transformative, nurturing creativity, empathy, and a profound appreciation for the mosaic of cultures that shape our world. They stand as windows to our collective past, present, and aspirations for the future, fostering unity and dialogue amidst the diverse tapestry of humanity. OSC conducts various kinds of cultural activities through out the year to keep the community close to Odiya culture.

Boita Bandana

This is the flagship festival of OSC celebrated in big way every year in the month of November. The festival commemorates the meritime glory of the state, Odisha. In ancient time t he tradesmen and mariners known as 'sadhavas' traveled on boitas ( boats) to trade with distant island nations that share borders with the Bay of Bengal like Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and Bali. The 'sadhavanis' ( their wives ) used to bid sadhavas farewell by worshipping them and the ships.They were singing prayers to keep the mariners safe during their voyage.As a practice men, wemen, children of Odisha set afloat boats which are traditionally made up of banana stems and banyan leaves. The boats are floated with lighted lamps, betel leaves, cracker fruits and coins. Today this is the festival of mass thanksgiving, not to any deity but to the traders who had made Odisha rich and prosperous.

Utkala Divasa

Utkala Divasa is the Foundation Day of Odisha. Odisha became an independent province on 1st April, 1936, following a three-century battle. The people of Odisha celebrate the Day as Odisha Day to foster the remembrance of the struggle in gaining a separate political identity and to encourage the spirit of unity among the inhabitants. OSC celebrates this memorable day with much funfair in the month of April each year. Speech, quiz, patriotic songs, skits, role play and competitions based on themes related to Odisha are conducted on this occasion. All attendees participate in the feast and share greetings.

Shared photo Album

OSC, in its social media platform, invites its members to add to a collaborative album. Recognising by face helps the people get familiar with each other and in occasion of need, they freely come together to help each other. Halloween, Kids Play Groups, Award winners, Jagannath Rathayatra volunteers, philanthropists , working for a common cause group like Global Odia volunteers and many more.


To keep the members updated, OSC was printing NewsLetter in the past. In recent time the practice has gone digital. Group leaders constantly prepare the content and moderates news live in forums and group chats. OSC has created number of Group Chat links to make group announcements.

Health and Wellness

In order to educate odia people live healthy, both physically and mentally, OSC organises wellness programs online.

Games and Sports

These events are gaining importance in the social arena of OSC community services. These events give members an opportunity to gather, compete and spend time together. Focusing on the game has helped to eliminate awkwardness between unfamiliar newcomers and playing the game together break the ice and provided a fun foundation to the relationship. Cricket, Badminton, Chess, outdoor games during picnic time, Bingo, Quiz and Antaksari like indoor games during party time have attracted many fun loving odia families to join OSC and enjoy the activities.

Activity as part of larger Canadian community

OSC, through its ' Cleaning' project, helps the surrounding environment of our neighbourhood.

Online education program

Learned members of OSC volunteer to give online language classes to our kids to literate them in odia language. Web designing, reel and video making skills are also taught to the kids by our IT and Computer professionals.

Fund Raising

OSC carries Fund raising to collectively help distressed families of our society either at the sudden demise of a family member, or getting injured in an accident. OSC collectively helps distressed families in Odisha when flood, storm and epidemic hit lives.

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